• E-mail info@bulwarks.net
  • Location Jal el Dib, Lebanon

ADAudit Plus

Real-time monitoring active directory auditing

200+ detailed event specific GUI reports and email alerts
In real-time, ensure critical resources in the network like the Domain Controllers are audited, monitored and reported with the entire information on AD objects - Users, Groups, GPO, Computer, OU, DNS, AD Schema and Configuration changes with 200+ detailed event specific GUI reports and email alerts.

Automate compliance reporting
for all major audits

Compliance can be a tedious task. There are many compliance regulations out there, each requiring separate reports. Ideally, these reports would be automatically generated and emailed to the appropriate people in your organization when they’re completed. While Microsoft does not provide an effcient and effective solution for automatic report generation, ADAudit Plus from ManageEngine is the ideal solution to solve all of your reporting needs.